Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Ugly American Version Of Iowa

For fucks sake, don't these people know that their attempt at "music" and "hometown pride" are having an adverse effect on how others perceive our state?

I don't expect people to make pilgramages to Iowa or to make our state ahead of, say, the Grand Canyon or Niagra Falls, but does our State Tourism board really need these videos to make their job tougher?

Jack Kerouac wrote in On The Road that "the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines." And then, last year some dipshit from a local radio station makes a video that is in complete contradiction to that.

It's like the person "producing" the song was on some kind of AutoTune Crack to the point where you begin to think that the perception that we don't have accents here in the state is wrong.

The world now thinks that our accents make us sound like robots.

They also think that our girls should put down the beer for a while and get on the Special K diet instead.

Fast forward to Iowa on the crest of spring. And as the sun warms up our state, we begin to plan for summer.

Lake Okoboji is one of the best places in the state you can be during the summer. But after this next video, you'll never want to visit the secret that is one of the few blue water lakes in the world.

Thanks to that piece of wonderful videography, all of the dudes in Iowa have jobs putting up drywall and obsess about the trampy ex-girlfriend that broke up with them.

While these videos may have done irrevocable damage to my state's image, I can personally attest to the fact that they in no way represent the true make up of our residents.

No sir, most of Iowa inhabitants are elderly white folks from Sweden or Norway who drive their white Buick Le Sabres on our extensive network of two-lane highways at the breakneck speed of 51 mph.

Stop by some time, if you think you can hang.

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