Monday, January 26, 2009

Dry Docking The Party Barge

I know I’m supposed to be happy for David Berman’s recent announcement that he’s disbanding the Silver Jews and going to focus on writing. I’m an only child, so forgive me for being a bit selfish when I say that I pouted for most of today.
He is a man of enormous lyrical talent that faced addiction and suicide before finding love and consistent recorded output. He was supposed to keep going. He promised Iowa City that he would come back.
In retrospect, especially now, the Joos ticket that Costello scored for me was a great and memorable show. Here is a public “Thank you” for that evening as I left it a bigger fan of the Silver Jews than when I walked in.
Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but it sure seems now that the entire festivities…the lengthy set, the endless thank yous, the courteous hand-shakes that Berman provided to fans after the show…was indeed some kind of a farewell. I’m still holding him to his promised return, only now it will be minus a guitar. It now looks like it will come at a book signing/reading or some other means.
Personally, I think its bullshit. I think that his recent announcement is more like a self-imposed exile, one that allows him a chance at dealing with the issues surrounding his father. Once that’s dealt with and he’s gotten a few words under his belt, he’ll miss the music and, fortunately, he’ll have a spouse still in it that can round up a few Jews and begin again.
Like they say, nothing stops a party barge.

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